Go Green – $ave Electricity

Ask us today on how to go green and reduce the waste of electricity consumption at your home or office and save lots of $$$$$…

Before starting, Ask yourself some questions?

  • Do you or your kids forget to turn of lights/fans when leaving in a rush
  • Did you ever had the dreadful feeling that you left home or office in a hurry and left something ON.
  • Did you know all appliances like TV/Computer etc consume electricity even in stand by mode. Stand by power is also know as vampire power or phantom load. Standby power is approximately 5% of your total residential electricity consumption.

Conserving energy isn’t just good for your conscience and the environment, it’s good for your pocketbook too! ENGGTESH SOLUTIONS gives you the power to be green by helping you manage lighting and temperature control in your home. You can now significantly reduce your energy consumption without compromising your lifestyle.

What can we do to help your house make A GREEN HOME:

  • Automate your lights so they come on when you need them and go off when you don’t
  • Lights can be programmed to turn on and off at the appropriate time of day and year in order to reduce waste
  • Motion sensors know when to turn lights off in unoccupied rooms
  • Dim lights to reduce energy consumption with the ability to manage energy-saving dimming that is imperceptible to the human eye
  • Shades can be automated to open and close with the sunlight to reduce demands on your climate control system.
  • Thermostats can be programmed to the most efficient temperatures so you can enjoy the convenience of temperature control from virtually anywhere in the world.

How much can you help the environment with our Home Automation systems?

Dimmers, timers and occupancy sensors are used to reduce energy waste. A typical 3-bedroom home with a mordern Home Automation system will eliminate over 850 pounds of CO2 emissions each year. That’s like not driving a car for a month! You can also control the amount of wattage used by light bulbs, which not only saves electricity and reduces energy bills but extends the life of bulbs as well.

We can help you control all your Home/Office Electronics virtually anywhere from the planet. Ask us today and learn how to $ave money and add convenience & intelligence to your home.